Innovate Your Production Line with Shuttle Rotomolding Technology


In the world of manufacturing, innovation is a constant companion, driving industries to greater heights and efficiencies. One such innovation that has significantly impacted the plastics industry is the Shuttle Rotomolding Machine. This state-of-the-art technology has revolutionized how we produce a variety of plastic products, offering unmatched versatility and efficiency. In this blog post, we'll delve into what a Shuttle Rotomolding Machine is, how it works, and why it has become a cornerstone in modern manufacturing.

What is a Shuttle Rotomolding Machine?

A Shuttle Rotomolding Machine is a type of rotational molding equipment used to create hollow plastic products. Unlike traditional molding methods, rotational molding involves the slow rotation of a mold as it is heated, allowing the plastic to coat the interior evenly. The "shuttle" aspect refers to the machine's ability to move the mold between different stations for heating, cooling, and loading/unloading. This mobility enhances production efficiency and flexibility.

How Does It Work?

The process of rotomolding with a Shuttle Rotomolding Machine can be broken down into several stages:

  • 1. Loading: The mold is filled with a predetermined amount of powdered plastic resin.
  • 2. Heating: The mold is transferred to a heating chamber where it is rotated slowly on two axes. This ensures the plastic melts and coats the interior of the mold evenly.
  • 3. Cooling: The mold is then moved to a cooling station while still rotating. This gradual cooling process solidifies the plastic into the desired shape.
  • 4. Unloading: Once the plastic has fully cooled and solidified, the mold is opened, and the finished product is removed.

Shuttle Rotomolding Machine Features

Benfan's Shuttle Rotomolding Machine boasts several advanced features that set it apart in the industry:

Shuttle Rotomolding Machine Features

  • l True Wireless Communication Technology: Eliminates the risk of wire-related failures, ensuring uninterrupted operation.
  • l Real-time Heating Chamber Temperature Monitoring: Guarantees product quality through precise temperature control.
  • l User-friendly Touch Interface: Simplifies operation for ease of use.
  • l Process Flow Storage Function: Facilitates production management and future reference.
  • l Remote Fault Diagnosis: Enables mobile cloud monitoring for timely issue resolution.

Shuttle Rotomolding Machine has four main mechanical parts

The rotating arm is the primary component that holds the mold and allows it to rotate on two axes, creating even heating and cooling throughout the molding process. The straight arm is a fixed arm that supports the rotating arm and provides stability during rotation. The offset arm is used to adjust the mold’s position, allowing for more complex shapes and designs. Lastly, the mold heating system is essential for melting the plastic material and ensuring proper curing and formation of the final product.


Advantages of Shuttle Rotomolding Machines


  • 1. Versatility: Shuttle Rotomolding Machines can produce a wide range of products, from small items like toys to large industrial containers. The ability to switch molds easily makes it ideal for custom and low-volume production runs.
  • 2. Quality and Consistency: The rotational process ensures an even distribution of material, resulting in products with uniform wall thickness and minimal stress points. This consistency is crucial for products that require durability and reliability.
  • 3. Efficiency: The shuttle mechanism allows for continuous production. While one mold is cooling, another can be heating, reducing downtime and increasing output. This efficiency makes it a cost-effective solution for manufacturers.
  • 4. Design Flexibility: Complex shapes and intricate designs are achievable with rotomolding. This flexibility opens up possibilities for innovative product designs that other molding methods might not support.

Applications of Shuttle Rotomolding Machines

The applications of Shuttle Rotomolding Machines are vast and varied. They are used in producing:

  • Storage Tanks: Large containers for chemicals, water, and other liquids.
  • Outdoor Furniture: Durable and weather-resistant furniture for gardens and parks.
  • Toys: Hollow and intricate toys that require a smooth finish.
  • Automotive Parts: Custom and complex components for vehicles.
  • Medical Equipment: Sterilizable and durable medical containers and devices.


The Shuttle Rotomolding Machine stands as a testament to the continuous advancement in manufacturing technology. Its ability to produce high-quality, consistent, and versatile products efficiently has made it an indispensable tool in various industries. As we move forward, the innovations and improvements in rotomolding technology promise to further enhance our manufacturing capabilities, opening new horizons for product development and industrial applications.


Whether you're a manufacturer looking to optimize production or an entrepreneur with a unique product idea, the Shuttle Rotomolding Machine from Benfan offers the potential to bring your vision to life with precision and efficiency. Benfan, a leader in innovative molding solutions, ensures that every machine is built to the highest standards of quality and performance. By choosing Benfan, you not only embrace this technological marvel but also partner with a brand committed to excellence and customer satisfaction.

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